EMR Content & Clinical Decision Support for Epic

TSG’s EMR content and clinical decision support resources can be integrated into the Epic ASAP program. Clients work directly with TSG to design their clinical templates to be more patient safety focused and improve the documentation workflow.

Features of the EMR Content and CDS development, include:

  • 25+ Chief Complaint Specific Templates
    • Risk-enhanced, clinical content
    • Optimized design to improve workflow
    • Interactive highlights based on provider input
  • RSQ® Knowledge Base
    • Evidence-Based Medicine Algorithms
    • Interactive Differential Dx
    • Quick Consults
    • Dictation Templates
    • Medical & Risk Calculators


What our clients are saying

After completing the original Epidural Abscess TSG course, only about two months went by until I had diagnosed my first in our ED – in a patient who had a pain pump placement recently. Thank you for refreshing my differential diagnoses list; it saved the patient’s life

Dr. David Duff,Madison County Hospital

“Great real-life examples of cognitive errors to be avoided. I’ll really be on the lookout when I return to work tonight!”

Dr. Heidi Kapanka,Emergency Physician Integrated Care