RSQ® Consulting
Methodology & Approach
Our approach begins with a pre-visit needs assessment interview conducted by TSG’s Director of RSQ® Consulting. Based on the information provided in the interview and the preferences of the client, TSG will identify and engage a consultant from a vast network of professionals to conduct an onsite session for the identified purpose. The consultant will work onsite to understand the challenges facing the organization, to collect relevant data used to inform their recommendations and provide some top-level tactics (i.e., “quick hits”) the organization may implement immediately to address concerns with limited resource requirements. In the two to three weeks following the onsite visit, the consultant will work with the experts on staff at The Sullivan Group to analyze the findings and develop a report of recommendations. Delivery of the report of Findings & Recommendations marks the completion of the onsite consulting engagement and the beginning of the cycle of continuous improvement.
Critical to the success of any program is the ability to track performance and implement improvements. As such, TSG encourages the use of Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s Plan-Do-Study-Act model for continuous improvement.
Using the Report of Findings & Recommendations to guide a conversation, TSG will work with the client to select tactics and identify goals and metrics used to assess efficacy for each tactic. Once the plan is complete and approved, TSG will assist (as relevant) the client in implementing recommended strategies and track data used to evaluate efficacy. Following a 9-12 month implementation cycle, the data will be analyzed and a report provided to the client to outline performance. This report will identify areas of improvement and outline improvement strategies. TSG will again, as applicable and/or desired, assist in the implementation of recommended changes.