Hospital-Based RSQ® Solutions

As many in healthcare know, certain areas of medicine are more predisposed to severe adverse outcomes that often stem from preventable medical errors. Since its founding, The Sullivan Group has been focused on tailoring risk mitigation system solutions for these highest-risk areas of medicine. TSG’s comprehensive approach has led to significant changes in clinical practice and reductions in medical malpractice frequency by up to 60%.

Emergency Medicine

Historically, there has not been a system solution available to practitioners of emergency medicine for reducing the incidence of diagnostic errors and the exposure to medical malpractice liability. It is no coincidence that this field is well known for being a high-risk specialty, susceptible to cognitive errors that lead to missed and delayed diagnoses, adverse...Read More


Given the vast complexities and sensitive nature of high risk obstetrics, it should be no surprise that malpractice litigation in this specialty ranks highest in average indemnity paid according to a recent industry information. It is common for healthcare providers to implement proactive patient safety initiatives as a way to prevent the adverse events that can...Read More


A triage nurse’s ability to quickly capture critical patient information and accurately assign the appropriate triage level is vital to an emergency department’s success. Given the wide array of patient presentations, this can be a daunting task for many emergency nurses, regardless of their experience level. The Sullivan Group has partnered with Shelley Cohen, RN, MSN,...Read More